March 12, 2023

The Great White Shark Scientist by Sy Montgomery


The Great White Shark Scientist by Sy Montgomery

Photos by Keith Ellenbogen

What's it About?

Following Greg Smokel, a Great White Biologist, Sy Montgomery journals his six-month adventure tracking Great Whites in Massachusetts and Mexico. The chronicle of the work Smokel and his team take working, tracking, following, and studying Great Whites, their patterns, and travels. Based mostly on the work of a marine biologist studying Great Whites and what he does over the sixth-month period the narrative explores the community, people, tools, and research that is done to understand the world of sharks.

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The Great White Shark Scientist from the Scientist in the Field series presents an interesting perspective on the study of the Great White Sharks. Following the work of Greg Smokel, a biologist, Sy Montgomery does a great job at narratively presenting their six-month quest to follow Great Whites in Massachusetts and Mexico. Recognizing that this is a chronicle of the journey of studying the sharks and scientists and his team studying them is an important detail to avoid disappointment in not reading about sharks. This is less about Great Whites and dives into the day-to-day work of how a group of scientists follows sharks to collect information and understand how they live and survive.


Montgomery's narrative captures readers and keeps them interested in following the "story" of what Greg Smokel is doing while providing a great deal of information on how, why, where, and when of the sharks they are studying. Readers are given an interesting perspective on the work being done providing information in an engaging way that could appeal to middle-aged readers and possibly even younger children as a read-aloud. I’d venture to even think most adults would find interest.


The Great White Shark Scientist doesn't skimp on the factual content but also doesn't read like a text full of facts that can become static and boring. Pausing within the narrative to give important information about sharks, specifics of tagging them, and being "shark smart", Montgomery provides a great balance of presenting an informational narrative and factual text.  The narratives come alive with photographs that provide visuals of Greg, the tools he uses, and the places the scientists are visiting. Even someone with minimal understanding of Great Whites can enjoy the "story" and learn something from this presentation by Montgomery, that almost lets the reader forget they are reading an informational text.


Sy Montgomery’s addition to the Scientist in the Field Series is a great way to introduce readers to the work of a marine biologist studying sharks. She provides additional resources about the groups and information discussed in her narrative giving readers a place to look further into things that interested them while reading, and maps of the pins where sharks were tracked. The Great White Shark Scientist is an informational text that can also be used as a source for research or a great interest read for pleasure.

For more information, Sy Montgomery click here

Interested in more from the Scientist in the Field Series click here

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