March 26, 2023

You Bring the Distant Near by Mitali Perkins


You Bring the Distant Near by Mitali Perkins

What's it About?

A family immigrates to America from India and navigates the culture and lifestyle while clinging to preserving their own culture as they all handle acceptance, change, and growing up in a new place in their own way. Ranee, Sonia, Tara, Shanti, and Anna narrate the generational changes and similarities within the family and Indian culture as they become American and accept the changes that come with clinging to one country and culture and gaining another new and different one at the same time. 

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You Bring the Distant Near is a touching story that follows a family as they transition to a new life in a new land. Capturing the dynamic personalities and generational differences of each character transitioning to America, Perkins immerses the reader in traveling alongside this family on their journey. It's hard not to connect emotionally to how this family navigates their transition.

Mitali Perkins seamlessly includes cultural details in her writing that help understand the viewpoint and movement of each character throughout the book. Following the story Ranee, and her daughters Sonia and Tara as they grow and accept new norms it is clear that the bonds of family tie them together and are passed on through generations. 

This was a lovely read that kept me wanting to see what they were all going to do next. Mitali Perkins, truly connects the reader to the struggle, achievement, and transitions this family experiences as they navigate life and the world over the years.  They struggle, love, learn, and accept each other and the reader absolutely follows this journey with attachment and longing to see how it all works out.

Following their journey was an enjoyable experience. By the end of this story, I felt connected and a part of their story. It left me wanting to go back for more and to revisit them to see where they were and what they were doing today.

327 words
For more information on Mitali Perkins click here

The audible version of this title is highly recommended.

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